Ahojte Dogueros,
dňa 6.2.2010 rano, zomrel vo veku 60 rokov jeden z najväčších a dlhoročných chovateľov AD - Paolo Vianini.
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"Association Dogo Argentino Rescue Italy shares the grief of the family Vianini for the loss of their beloved Paolo.
Paolo Vianini one of the largest breeders and lovers of this wonderful breed that morning has died at the age of 60 years.
Hello Paolo..."
Lucas Vianini:
friends, yesterday my father died. He fought like a lion up
last through the courage of all time but this time the disease has
won. E 'was surrounded by his family and friends ever.
It was sunny and keep a special memory in cuore.I funeral will be held on Monday 8 ... Soiano del Lago (BS) at 15:00. Thank you all. "